Thursday, October 8, 2009

IM Soft

It may come as no surprise that every winter since at least 2004 i have gained weight during the cold months. i can't simply blame that on Thanksgiving dinner, but general bad eating habits compounded by a decrease in volume and intensity of exercise. Or something like that.

Whatever the reason, i really need to reverse that trend this winter if i am to have a shot at being at a proper race weight come Spring. Not only would that be a reflection on how much i'd have accomplished in the weight room, on the bike trainer, in the indoor pool, and elsewhere, but an 8-15 lb. decrease would lighten the load on my foot injuries as well, something i think would be very beneficial.

Of course, this won't be easy. i am quite hungry even as i type this. And i still need to fuel my body. Hopefully i can do it smartly.


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