Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Wake Up, Feet

Training for this Spring's Half Ironman started this week and while i am pleased at the thought of regular workouts, i wish my Achilles was completely healed (pun intended; final notice).  It's hard to be 110% excited about raising my fitness to its required heights when walk/running is the best i can do at the moment.  That said, i sure am glad for walk/running right now.  i started a week or two ago and it very much beats nothing at all.  (Started with 20 minutes of repeating 1 minute walk, 2 minutes run.  Now up to 40 with the ratio at 1:3.)

P90X efforts have picked up slightly, swims have remained consistent, and i have a number of spins-while-watching-a-movie under my belt (last three: Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Schindler's List, Star Trek 2009), though i wish they happened more often. 

So, hoping my feet can slowly but surely pull themselves out of their unwanted hibernation.  From the cold wind now blowing outside, it seems like poor timing, but wake they must.
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